Baby-Related Crafts

Folding the pleats for a comfortable and functional sling shoulder:

The middle pleat is folded so that there is 1" on each side of the stitching (technically, this is called an inverted box pleat). The next pleat is folded over the box pleat...
... as is its opposite on the other side of the box pleat. The next pleat, folded inwards, will come to the middle of the pile...
... as will its opposite. The last, smaller pleats are merely folded inwards.
The resultant shoulder pleating/folding arrangement acts as a cross between my regular overlapping pleats and a "hotdog" shoulder. It allows for a fair amount of spread, while cupping the wearer's shoulder quite comfortably.
The pleats all folded and pinned down. The next step, not shown, is to baste down along the seam between fabrics, just to keep the folds in place while you're threading the rings on.

<-- Back to reversible sling sewing directions


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