Update: April 23, 2002. Not much to add, just that we are experiencing more toddler behavior -- temper tandrums and that sort of thing. Not too much fun, those. It's hard to know how to react; usually I try to talk him down, but sometimes only leaving the premises or similar "punishments" work. We have decided not to spank, so that's out. Anyone have any suggestions for us regarding toddler discipline?
Of course, to offset the bad, he's also getting a lot cuter on the language front. He has started using simple sentences, like "Go bus? Yes!" and "Me seepy," which seems like a big step, in that he is identifying himself, as well as stringing words together. He had an explosion in babble last week, and this week has been doing a lot more in terms of talking. He'll be two years old in less than a month. Wow!
It's now April 6, 2002, and Stephen is 22 ½ months old. We rode the Downeaster train to Saco, Maine, on Wednesday, March 27, which was really fun. He enjoyed being on the train, which is very smooth and comfortable, and watching the scenery go by. We walked around Saco's very small downtown, which he liked as well, even if it was a bit depressing (Saco is another mill town trying to recover). I definitely see more train trips in our future! In fact, we've started traveling all over the world, and I have pictures from the different places we've visited.
He likes: dogs, cats, birds, horses, and other animals; buses, trucks, trains, and other vehicles; rice, frozen corn, faux chicken-nuggets, french fries, granola, and being very picky about anything else he eats (thank goodness he still nurses too!); going for walks, pushing his own stroller (which he insists that we take, much to my bemusement), riding in the stroller, short car trips, bus rides, and train rides; playing in the bathtub, in his space tent, on this play quilt, at the library, and at the playground; reading books, dancing, singing, and watching PBS Kids' TV; and getting his way. He shows his likes with happiness, smiles, "YES!"es, giggling, and all-around good behaviour. He is usually a very gregarious and friendly child when we are out, and we frequently have people come up to us and tell us what a well-behaved child we have.
He dislikes: not being allowed to touch animals he sees; when vehicles drive out of sight; trying new foods, or even being encouraged to eat foods he liked not two days ago; not going for a walk when it's raining, long car trips, taking the sling instead of the stroller (though only while the stroller is still in sight -- he calms down as soon as we're moving), getting off the bus; getting out of the tub, going downstairs, and leaving the library or playground; when I don't want to read "Bobby Bear's ABCs" for the 32nd time; and not getting his way. He shows his dislikes by screaming "NOOOOOO!" at the top of his lungs; squatting down and squeezing his eyes shut and screaming "NOOOOO!" at the top of his lungs; or flailing and whining.
Needless to say, we are approching Age Two.
His word list is on a separate page. I know there are words missing that he has used, because whenever I sit down in front of the computer, I completely forget all the words I mean to add. Very frustrating.
He still has the bus obsession, and points to them wherever he sees them -- whether they're on TV, on the road, off the road, on store shelves, books, etc. I never realized how many buses there were around! Of course, he doesn't really differentiate between buses, trucks, and trains; they're all called "bus," though if I correct him to "train" he says, "Choo choo!" His obsession is fueled by the fact that I've designed pages for both the local bus companies, COAST and C&J Trailways. He likes to play with the Brio train setup at the library, as well as those at the bookstore and toystores, and will protest heartily when it's time for us to go. (It's probably time for us to set up one here, too.) I don't know what the draw is; he has plenty of stuffed animals to play with, too, but seems to really gravitate towards vehicles. Must be a Y-chromosome thing. I finally finished his play quilt, which you can see at right; it's really about 5'x5', and has appliquéd roads on it. I machine-pieced it, but hand-quilted the whole thing. You can't see it in the pictures, but the quilting looks really good, if I may say so myself :) I hope he'll get many years of play out of it.
Last time, I mentioned that he was very good with other kids, and would hand things to them to play with. Well, he still hands toys to other kids, but now he cries when they take them... well, more so around naptime, but it's becomming a trend. He is getting more and more interactive with other kids, too, babbling at them, waving, and trying to fit in. Most of the kids we see are rather older, though, so he doesn't quite seem to know what to do with them, nor they with him. Once he's older and has more verbs in his vocabulary, I'm sure it will get easier for him. I'm thinking about enrolling him in a music class for preschoolers this summer. We will definitely do the library story time (which is for only ages 2 and up) as well. I can't believe my baby is almost 2! (Sniff!)
Enjoy these pages if you came straight to them, but you may also want to have a look at the rest of the site (maybe) to see what Stephen's mommy has been up to. Hugs to all of Stephen's family, friends, and admirers!