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Here's a Stephen-to-English dictionary for your edification: (sorted by date added)

(sorted by sound here)

I say all these words!
Stephen: English: Date Added:
[random gibberish] Don't you just wish you could understand me?  
Ah? Ah? Ah? Ah? [pointing] Give me something right now! You figure out what it is! But I want it right now! Now! NOOOOOW!  
Bah! There's a ball (or balloon)! Mine!  
Bee? Is that a baby I see before me?  
Beed? Beed! Is this a bird? This is a bird!  
Bleeeaaah! His contribution when I say, "That's yucky!"  
BOHK! Bonk! (Usually accompanied by hitting and subsequent "No hitting!" from us.)
(May also indicate "Errrrr... bonk," in which he falls onto the bed for sport.)
Bok. Here's a box.OR Here's a block!  
Book! Read to me, Mama!  
Brrrr! That object is cold / I am cold / that cream you're putting on me is cold / I feel like saying "Brrr!"  
Bye, bye! [wave] Go away! OR, I am going. OR, We are going! OR, Good night!  
Choo choo! Train!  
Cok cok cok! Answer to "What noise does a duck make?"  
Dada! There's Dada!  
Dark! It's dark! (Usually followed by turning on the light.)  
Deet! Hey, look, it's your teeth!! Hey, here's mine! Isn't this a great game?  
De-is? (was: Eyeis?) What's this?  
Doooooown? Can we go downstairs?  
Eat! Give me food! Now!  
Fissie! It's a fish!  
Go beep? Take me on the elevator immediately! (No longer used)  
Grrrr! Answer to "What noise does a bear make?"  
Hi! [wave] What, you again? Also, high (4/30)  
HOT! That object is [warm, bright, food of some kind, a mobile*]  
Mooooo! Answer to "What noise does a cow make?" (Was: MMMMMM!)  
Noooo! I'm not [doing, eating, looking at, going in] that! How dare you even suggest it?  
Pity! That's pretty!  
Scheeees? Can I have some cheese [or another food from the refrigerator]?  
Tee! There's a kitty!  
Tray! Train!  
Uh-oh! Mama/Dada is doing badly on her/his computer game! OR I am doing something bad.  
UP! I'm going upstairs! Now also indicates something high.  
Whee! (Noise made when going on swing, slide, or on bumpy roads)  
Yes! Affirmative, parental unit.  
Bus! Is that a bus I see? OR I see a bus! (Also for truck or train) (was: der bis?) 2/21
Mommy! was: Mama! There's Mommy! 3/2
Cack? Can I have crackers [or another food from the pantry]? 3/4
Duck! It's a duck! 3/10
Walk! Take me for a walk -- if you don't, I'll cry! 3/13
Hock? Let's hug! (Now used when he wants to be picked up.) 3/15
Wa-ie? Is it bathtime yet? OR, Can I have a drink of water? 3/16
Buhsss! Here's a hairbrush, brush my hair! 3/18
Meowwww! (The noise a cat makes now) 3/18
Eeek! (The noise a monkey or ape makes) May also mean "itch" 3/19
Eye! Does it hurt when I poke you in the eye? Too bad. It's the only way I know to point this out so you'll understand. 3/19
Wow! (Said in an awed hush) Golly gee, what do you think of that? 3/19
Bed! Come to bed! It's time to sleep! 3/20
Beep! (Touching finger to nose) 3/21
Niss? Can we nurse now? 3/21
Ock! It's my sock! Look, I can take it off! Can you put it back on? (now see "sock") 3/21
Eeeea? Mind if I pull your ears? 3/22
Hay? So, this stuff is my hair, yes? 3/23
Tis? Kiss me, you fool! 3/23
Ow. Sorry, did you hurt yourself? 3/25
Tow. Hey, it's a towel. I'm sure I could use it for hitch-hiking... 3/25
Nah my... Not sure what this means... he walks around shaking his head and saying this. May be "Not me," or "Not mine," but the context doesn't make it clear. 3/26
Off! Turn that computer off right now, young lady, and come downstairs with me! (Also for TV, radio, etc.) 3/27
Zee! It's a zebra! 3/28
Feet! Hey, it's my feet! Bite them! Tickle them! Love them! 4/6
Kick! I am a great martial artist! Fear my feet of terror! 4/6
Woof! The noise a dog makes when not saying "yip yip yip!" 4/6
F**k! I don't know what this means, but it sure makes the grownups laugh... and cringe. What's up with that? (Yeah, we're sorry about that one. I have *no* idea where he picked it up ;) 4/7
Seat? Am I going in my carseat? Oh, boy! 4/9
Seep! Time to go to sleep! (Also appears as "seepy" when he's ready for bed.) 4/9
Pease? Please? 4/10
Us! You and me, kid. 4/10
Sock! I'm getting cold feet -- put those socks on me! Or, those are socks. 4/12
Whoa! Hey, that was cool! 4/14
Rah-ie! Fear me! I am a ferocious bear/lion/something scary! 4/15
Shhh! (Holds finger up to lips) Be quiet, you! (Said just now when he saw a picture of a sleeping baby.) 4/16
Shoe That thing that goes on my foot... yeah, that. 4/17
Dah-pee Diaper, as in, "Please change my diaper." 4/18
Dopf! Stop (as in stop sign) 4/18
Yucky! How unpleasant. 4/18
Piece! Morphed from "be-is" to "piece" for penis. ALSO, can I have a little of what you're having? (Homonyms, people!) 4/19
My! Mine! (Here it begins...) 4/20
Yummy! How delightful! 4/21
Fry! Gimme that french fry now and no one gets hurt! 4/22
Potty! Gonna go sit on that funny chair, huh? 4/24
Wash! Time to get clean! 4/24
Nap? Time for a little sleep, eh? 4/25
Watch! What a fascinating timepiece that is! 4/25
Cow! You know, that thing that goes 'Mooo!' 4/27
Pig! There's a pink, four-legged, non-Kosher animal... porcine, I believe. 4/27
Foc! Despite the homonym, seems to mean "Frog" or "Fox," depending on what he's looking at. 4/28
Week? Is Dada at work? 4/30
Bike Let's go for a bike ride! 5/1
You! His comment when I say, "That's you in the mirror!" Also now when he sees pictures of himself -- he points and says, "You!" 5/3
Doggie! There's a dog! (Was: "Daaaaagk? [yip yip yip!]) Also horses, goats, sheep, and other quadrapeds not kitty in nature. 5/4
Happy! I'm happy! Are you? 5/4
Sah-ie! Sorry! 5/4
Fun! This is fun! (Also appears as "funny") 5/5
Huht. That hurt. (Or, are you hurt?) 5/6
Pas-ie Pasta, please! 5/6
Ee-ik Uncle Eryk, or any male around Dada's age who isn't Dada (that is to say, Uncle Brian) 5/7
Hond? Hold my hand while we walk? 5/7
Bob! It's Grandpa Bob! 5/8
Bun? Can I please push that button? 5/9
Bocki! Broccoli! (His favorite vegetable!) 5/10
Bow! I have a bowl -- put something to eat in it! 5/10
Fork! Give me a fork to eat with! [Pronounced "fook"] 5/10
On! Turn that _____ on! 5/10
Sboon? Spoon 5/12
Facie! Face 5/13
TWO! (The very emphatic answer we get when we ask "How old are you?") 5/14
Call? Can we call someone on the phone? 5/15
Poop! (Yes, poop.) 5/15
Boy! Kids who are not babies... boys or girls. 5/16
Talk? (!) The things that people say, or, the noises that things make. 5/16
Boo! (Jumping out and scaring one) 5/17
Ye-ow! It's yellow! (Also for purple, sometimes.) 5/17
Boon! It's a balloon! 5/18
Ca-ie! Car! 5/18
Song? Please put on some music or sing to me! 5/19
Gone! All gone! (Usually food-related) 5/20
Chick! Chicken/chick -- strangely, applies to both the animal and the food... 5/21
Dahce? Please dance with me OR Watch me dance! 5/23
Fon! It's a fan! Cool! 5/23
Pun! It's a pen! 5/23
Abpa? Can I have some apple? 5/24
Siee! I'm silly, aren't I? 5/27
Hoo! Hoo! The noise an owl makes 5/28
Ummy? Can I have something good to eat? 5/29
Phone? Aren't you going to call someone? [Pronounced "fawn"] 5/30
Ponts! I'm going to put on my pants now. 6/1
Sirt! Put on/take off my shirt! 6/1
Open? Could you open this for me? Right now? 6/2
Sadt. How sad! 6/2
See? It's a CD! 6/2
Knee (Yep, knee) 6/3
Wing [Wedding ring, usually] 6/3
Moomie? Can I watch a movie? 6/4
Goo bus School bus 6/5
Yahbie Library! (He looooves the library.) 6/5
Doh-ie Door! 6/6
Boat You know, the things that float in the water... 6/7
Boo-gies Um... nose goblins... 6/7
* A mobile is "hot" because we blow on hot foods, and we also blow on mobiles to make them move!

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