I'm provisionally due on 29 September, 2003. By conventional LMP (two weeks before ovulation), I am 5.5 weeks.
I called the midwife we saw with Stephen this morning. Felt like a big step :)
Am I alone on the not-very-queasy bench? I'm six weeks today (four post-conception) and haven't really been that ill. With Stephen I felt like I had the flu for the first three months. This time I've had a few mild episodes that passed pretty quickly. I have been taking B6 and eating much better than I was with Stephen, so don't know if I should count my blessings or worry that something is wrong. Sigh.
Yarg. I guess I'm really pregnant now -- suckness has arrived. As with last time, I haven't thrown up (yet), but feel urky all day. Just want to lie down and kvetch. Instead must work on boring webpages for web-unsavvy clients. Maybe will try to take nap with Stephen in a couple hours. Wonder if he will sleep? Must have David pick up ginger ale on his way home.
Back at last from Florida... (snipped some stuff) we did Busch Gardens and Disney Magic Kingdom, which was probably a bit much considering my previously sedentary weeks. So on Sunday (after Magic Kingdom) I started spotting, which has continued on and off through today. Was just brownish at first but is now red and somewhat heavier than at first, even though I am now home and unstressed. I am hoping it's just a progesterone withdrawal thing -- neglected to take my prog. cream to Fla, and thought it would be all right because I was 10 weeks last week and the placenta should have formed by then. I've started using it again, but am still feeling kind of crampy and under the weather. Luckily I have an appt. with my midwife next week, and hopefully will catch a heartbeat. Will call her today and see if we can move the appt. up sooner or see what she suggests.
I called my midwife yesterday and she said, come on over! So we had the 12-week appt a week early. Didn't fully expect to hear the heartbeat, as we didn't get it with Stephen until 13 weeks, but there it was, and "very strong" according to Cilia. About 148 BPM. Still spotting a little bit, but it's lessened a lot (back on the progesterone). So. Very relieved on this end.
Minor vent: I'm almost 14 weeks and still have suckness. Yuck. Haven't thrown up, but with the cough that's been hanging on for 6 weeks, I get awfully close sometimes. Have no energy for poor Stephen, who wants to PLAY and WALK and RIDE TRAIN and FLY and do all those other toddler things. Can't wait for second trimester relief! Perhaps then will be able to type complete sentences.
Does Target have any plus-sized maternity stuff? Finding any has been a real chore... that is, stuff without Looney Toons characters on it :P I can't even find patterns for it. (By plus, I mean in the 20-26 range, not the 16-18/XL that's usually offered as the largest size.) My jeans aren't fitting well anymore, but I don't want to convert them, and I don't want to wear the leggings I wore last time (ugh). Also really need shorts for this summer.
I'm still ill, and almost 15 weeks. Pooh. Trust Strychnine to be an all-too-accurate nickname.
Did I explain why that's the nickname? Otherwise it sounds really perverse :)
It all started 14 years ago, on a family trip to Washington DC. I think. Actually I'm pretty hazy on the exact details; my siblings remember it better than I do. At any rate, for some reason we were talking about what I would name my future children (I was 15 at the time, sibs were 13 and 11) and they came up with Punchy (kid 1) and Strychnine (kid 2). There may have been a later addition for an even-more-hypothetical kid 3, but I don't remember it. I think I was Not Amused at the time, but have since mellowed considerably :)
However, I do think it quite unfair that Strychnine feels it necessary to live up to his/her nickname.