I would maim for 7 straight hours of sleep [yawn]. I get up every 90-120 minutes for a pee.
Things not to do when pregnant: eat pizza for dinner (massive heartburn); watch any Holocaust movie ("The Pianist" in this case); go for long, long walks; discuss names with family.
Having had both done (fundal measurement and ultrasound estimate of fetal size) yesterday, they are are about the same for this data point :) I was measuring right on for 30 weeks per fundus height, and the baby is right at 30 weeks according to the US. (Whew!)
I hadn't seen a doctor (for pregnancy) before a couple of weeks ago, but had good experiences with both who I saw. They were a little more gung-ho about technology than my (lay) midwife, but were very sweet and caring, and took the time to go over things with me. Actually, I was the least happy with the nurse who saw me in the maternity ward -- she kept the strap-on doppler on for about 45 minutes, even though the baby was clearly moving around too much to get a good trace. I think my midwife would have had it on for 5 minutes, realized there was too much movement, and stopped until the action cleared up. I'm no technophobe, but was not pleased with that much doppler in one humongous dose.
Strychnine has been kicking my cervix all morning, sometimes quite painfully. Go head down, already, eh? Had the 32-week appt. today. Everything else is good. My blood pressure is still nice and low at 104/68 (it was spiking high at this time with Stephen), I've gained 11 lbs so far, measurements are right on target, fetal heart rate was 144.
Re. the weight gain, I'm about 75 lbs over my personal "ideal" weight to start with (charts claim 160-190, but I was pretty happy at 200), so I don't seem to gain as much as a smaller woman would. It's weird -- my books all claim that overweight women gain more during pregnancy than small ones, but that is totally contrary to my experience, and my midwife said it didn't jive with what she'd seen, either. My mother (tiny) gained 60 lbs with me; midwive said she had gained about 45 with her pregnancies. I gained 19 with Stephen, and lost the majority within the first couple of days (I think it was mostly water, baby, and other baby-related stuff). "They" recommend between 15 and 25 lbs if you're already overweight; I think it's 25-35 if you're normal weight, and 35-45 if you're underweight. I'd be curious to do an informal survey here on total weight gain vs. initial weight status, because I don't know anyone IRL who fits the "fat women gain more" assumption.
I inadvertently succumbed to pickles and ice cream a couple of weeks ago -- shared an ice cream cone with Stephen, then was hit with a sour pickle craving down the street.
Strawberries and cherries were very big my second trimester -- good thing they were in season.
I had wicked heartburn with Stephen, and again with this one; Stephen was born with a head full of dark, black hair that he never lost, though it's a lot lighter now. I expect this one to be pretty similar.
I look pregnant above the waist, but not below. Very strange. As long as my shirts all fall from the belly, I can be convincing.
Shortwaistedness is definitely a factor, IME. My friend is 5'2" and short waisted, and she was out to here in no time. I have a pretty long torso (5'11") and it takes forever for me to show. Last time, there were people at work who were still clueless when I was 8 months. Heh.
I think Strychnine is head-down now -- she had hiccups last night and I could feel them both on my side and in the bladder/cervix area. Plus when I sit at the computer, there is a definite presence of something just below my ribs. I hope it's a butt and not a head :) Next MW appt. is tomorrow, so we'll see what she has to say.
I only started feeling these hiccups on Sunday, though it's probable they've been there before and I just didn't notice :) They're not after I've eaten, anyway, which should have been the sign to me with Stephen that dairy didn't agree with him.
I think I'd be more clear on head vs. butt if my placenta were placed differently -- it's top, front, and slightly left, so pretty much right where the bump in question resides. Sure hope it's a butt, anyway. Definitely don't want a c-sec if I can at all avoid it.
I had my 34-week appt. yesterday -- things are looking really good! Last time at this point, my blood pressure was in the 130/80 range; this time, it was 104/68. Everything is growing well, I'm still just 10 lbs over my starting weight, though I eat *constantly*, and she got the doppler right over the baby's heart, so we could hear all the valves openning and closing -- weird! I wonder if I'm just in much better shape this time, or if there was something about the pregnancy last time that drove my BP up? I was pretty much a mouse jockey last time -- didn't go for a lot of walks or have to chase a preschooler -- but since it's been so hot, I haven't gotten much in the way of exercise, either.
When she tested my iron at, what was it, 24 weeks? I was anemic. Sheila Kitzinger mentions a study, though, that says that women who become anemic are less likely to give birth pre-term (correllation or causation, who knows), and that it is really normal to develop anemia -- after all, your blood volume increases by like 40%, and most of that is extra fluids, which of course will dilute other components. Even so, supplementation is probably a good idea if you have noticable symptoms; I take an OTC iron tablet every other day, and it seems to have helped a lot. We don't eat a lot of red meat (in fact, I'm not sure we've bought any in the last month) though I really craved it the previous month. Catching up, I guess.
Stephen is very sweet -- he won't do it for strangers, but before we go to bed, David and I ask him where the baby is, and he'll come up and point to my belly, give it a kiss and/or hug, and say, "Hello, Sophia!" and sometimes "I love you, Sophia!" We tell him he'll be a big brother and she'll be his little sister, and although she won't be able to do much at first, they'll have fun together when she's bigger. I'm not sure how much of that he really understands, but sometimes he'll mention how DW is Arthur's little sister, or Stuart is George's little brother, etc, so I think he gets that concept, anyway.
(Re. abdominal aches) I've been having the same kind of discomfort -- I just assume it's the stretching/muscles. Not sure about the arm-falling-asleep, though. I have 5 different pillows now to keep me comfortable -- two body pillows (one in front, one in back), one for my head, and on on either side of that to keep my arms at a comfortable level when I'm sleeping on my side. It's pretty ridiculous.
Strychnine seems to have been all over the place between today and yesterday, too -- I was getting simultaneous movement on my right and left sides this morning, which made me think transverse, but now I'm getting some energetic kicks on top. Definitely more pressure on ye olde bladder as well.
Can't believe it's only 4.5 weeks left. Gak!
Will have to throttle my friend if she says one more time, "You could go any day now!!!" Yes, it's true, but sweetie, just because you delivered at 35 weeks doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen to me. Every time I've seen her since about 32 weeks she's had some variant of this. Every. Single. Time. But she's so perky about it I don't have the heart to say anything.
Friend said YET AGAIN how I could go any day. Argh! I said, "Gosh, I hope not -- I'd much rather go to 40 at least." Maybe she'll take the hint. Or maybe not.
She means well... which is all that's kept me from seriously snapping at her in my hormonal glory :) I think we'd pretty much be prepared; she's loaning me her infant car seat; we have all of Stephen's infant-sized clothes (though I'd probably want more premie stuff were she to arrive tomorrow); newborn diapers from a neighbor; name, check; birth plan would be hairy, as we're planning a home birth, but can't do that prior to 35 weeks, so I'd end up in the hospital with a doctor/midwife I hadn't met before, which would suck, which is another reason I'd just as soon go at least past 37 weeks!
Lots and lots of movement today -- kicking at by fundus, so I think she's definitely head-down. Hurray! Now, just stay that way!
Gack. We took some belly shots this weekend that I was going to post, but just had a look at them and the whole stretch-mark/discolored skin thing is really icky -- much worse in the picture than in real life. David is photoshopping them right now, which feels a little disingenuous, but since the picture lies, I guess it's okay.
My mom and stepdad came up today with Stephen's new bed (will have pictures shortly in the Preschooler thread) and as they were leaving, Mom said, "The next time I see you, you'll be having this baby!" which completely freaks me out :) Still, just one more week before we're okay for home delivery, so that feels good. I hope we're ready.
I can't wait to have a baby in the bed again :) Of course, I half expect karma to bite me in the ass and I'll have a baby who doesn't like to be held and will only sleep well separately. And want to wear only shocking pink outfits, play with Barbie dolls, and become a born-again Country-Western singer when she grows up.
That's not a normal pregnancy fear, is it. :)
Man, this baby is kicking up a storm today! Very much fundus-jumping. I'm going to miss this part.
Does anyone else here think that the way a woman is lying would affect the fundal measurement? Usually I get measured lying on a hard floor (with a pillow under my head) but yesterday, since it was a home visit, I lay on the couch. My midwife got the same measurement then as she had the last week (36.5 cm), but I definitely feel bigger. I think it's because my spine was sinking into the couch in a way it never can on the floor, and also because Strychnine was in a different position (curved inwards instead of out). She thought the latter might make a difference, but not the former, but that doesn't make sense to me.
Also, she seems to think that this baby will be about the same size that Stephen was. I don't think that's true, either -- I'm definitely sticking out more this time, and s/he *feels* bigger internally to me. Plus, on the ultrasound, the cord was perfectly normal (Stephen's was thin). When I was this pregnant with Stephen, she thought he was already 7-7.5 lbs and that he'd be big, but at term, he was only 6 lbs 2 oz, so I don't have a lot of faith in her measuring abilities.
Eh. Just rambling now. I just wonder if it'll be 2.5 more weeks, or sooner.
As much as the whole ligament-loosening hip/back/pubic bone pains suck, I am doing my damnest to try to enjoy this pregnancy because it will probably be our last, especially if Strychnine does turn out to be a girl. It's mostly working. Feeling movement is wonderful, so I focus on that and try to ignore the aches and pains as much as possible. And console myself in knowing that a lot of women have it much worse, as mean as that sometimes feels.
Oh dear. I just got an email from one of my clients -- they want to have a meeting to discuss the web page during the week of Sept. 29. I suggested an earlier date -- not keen on the idea of going to a meeting immediately post-partum :) Of course, there is still the risk that I could give birth next week. Oy. Maybe I'll buy a couple of cheap webcams and try to convince them that a 'net meeting is just as good.
I keep getting single, discrete instances of labor-like aches and pains -- huge lower back ache w/BH ctx, then nothing; cervical pressure, then nothing; very strong BH, then nothing. I'd rather have the 10 more days I'm "due", but wonder how much of this is productive. Hmm.
But I don't want to go early!
and then again,
I'm so tired of the whole pelvic area being painful. And I remember that when Stephen was born, it was like someone flipped a switch and it didn't hurt anymore.
I think I will complain no matter what happens -- seems like the only reasonable solution ;)
OTOH, David is taking Stephen to visit the IL's this weekend to go pick apples -- I probably won't go, because the drive makes me swell up, and the idea of spending hours walking around apple orchards is not particularly appealing. I should make sure they have a cell phone available so I can call if I go into labor then.
Pregnancy VMG [vent/moan/gripe]: Lots of very strong BH ctx last night, again -- makes it so I can't get to sleep for at least an hour, and then I'm up in an hour anyway to pee again. Bleh. I sure won't miss this part. Think we'll do the belly cast today, just in case we don't get another chance. Everything else seems to be ready. Just have to make up my bed (old sheets on top of waterproof pad...) in case my water breaks during the night. Whee! Haven't gotten the "Have you had the baby yet?" question, but plenty of "Gee, you must really be ready." Kinda sorta.
I am all out of shorts that fit. Every single pair is in the wash. I cannot
possibly buy more because a) I'll only be pregnant for a couple more weeks max
and b) summer will be over soon. Argh.
Oy. David is burning the video from Stephen's birth to VCD, and boy, is that bringing back memories. It's kind of embarrassing to watch. We were so sleep-deprived and exhausted by then. And Stephen cried *so much* when he was born! David mentioned in passing, too, that just before he was born, I was the heaviest I'd ever been *and we got it on tape*! Hurrah :P
The more I think about it, the more I think I just want to be *alone* this time, with David but no one else. I know that's not feasible for the most part, but it sure sounds good to me right now.
I could have sworn I was in labor this morning at 4:30, and was all set to get up at 8 and post here, but I went back to sleep at 6 am and now, nothing. I'd been having some moderately uncomfortable, 30-second long, 10-mintutes apart, back-pain involving contractions, but they went away. Ah well. Maybe later.
Oy. Spoke too soon about not getting the "have you had the baby yet" calls. Three today. My grandmother, David's grandmother, and my friend. Everyone also seems to think I am due today and not Monday. My grandmother actually said, "Happy labor day!" as though being due meant I would definitely have the baby that day. Silly Nana. We called everyone within an hour of Stephen's birth -- I wonder if they think we don't plan to do the same this time? Oh well.
Even David has started calling from work to make sure I'm not in labor whenever he's going to be away from the phone. Oy.
And according to BabyCenter, I *have* had the baby! Crap! Where is she?
It's funny, Jenny, I found that [low pregnancy weight gain in overweight women] to be true for myself and other heavy mothers I've met online, but all of my preg. books say that overweight women usually gain *more* than normal-weight. I wonder where they're finding their data? I gained 17 lbs with Stephen, and last week was at 17 with this one, too. I'd lost all of it by my 3-week check in with Stephen.
The latest "Nutrition Action Newsletter" has a chart for body mass index which really ticked me off. First of all, it was *totally* one size fits all -- men/women, slight build/heavy build -- everyone is to conform to this single chart. For me to have a "healthy" BMI (23, according to their research), I'd have to weigh 160 lbs. I am 5'11" and built like a Viking. The last time I weighed 160, I was 5'6" and in high school. Now, I would look anorexic if I weighed 160 -- it will never happen. My sister, who is 5'4", weighs 150, and looks quite healthy at that weight. This probably belongs in the plus-size thread, but it pissed me off that some people *still* feel that weight and height are the only important numbers when it comes to health. Grr.
I've been spamming thread after thread announcing I'm in labor myself :) Started around 11 pm -- naturally, I haven't had any good sleep, which sucks, but ctx are pretty regular at 5 minutes apart, and lasting between 45-120 seconds (the long ones are pretty wicked). Will probably call the midwife pretty soon to see what she thinks, as we have an appt. scheduled for 9 am that I don't particularly want to drive to whilst in labor. Must call my mom, too. 10/01 sounds like a neat birthday, if we actually finish up today.
(Later) It's looking a lot like Stephen's birth, though, with many hours of prodromal labor before things really get going. At least I know to sleep this time, since walking/climbing stairs/etc. didn't do squat to rush things along last time. My mother had the same thing with all three of us -- the last two were a little quicker, but still, lots of prodromal labor before anything kicked in. Apparently she was told she had an "incompetant uterus". I hadn't heard that one. If not today, 10-02-03 would be a neat birthday, too.
(Still later) All About Me update: ctx still far apart, but 45-75 seconds long when they come :P I bet we're looking at Thursday night at the earliest.
Clothes-wise, have been living for the last couple of weeks in 3 pairs of shorts, and now that it's chilly, some one-size-up-from-normal cotton knit pants. I am a fashion don't.