past productions: artists, musicians, and individuals

Artistic and musical sites are a pleasure to design, as they allow maximum flexibility in design, and often the artists themselves are able to provide backgrounds and images that become the basis for the look. They also draw a different audience than do educational and small business sites, differences that the designer must take into account. Please note: a number of these sites are no longer being maintained; in some cases, the sites have been taken over by the customer themselves or a new designer. The screenshots show my work.

Kristine HenryGoblin Goods

This is my little sister's new site. Robyn (aka Auntie Goblin) makes cool stuff, and needed a place to showcase her artwork. She also wants to sell stuff from time to time. I am very pleased with the way her site came together, especially the little critters peaking out from behind stuff.

(Robyn no longer uses this domain.)

Kristine HenryCocheco Quartet

In my spare time (hah), I play the violin (see the UNHSO site below). My stand partner Amanda suggested that we form a quartet to bring in a little extra money, so we did. This is our website. The background is one big image (but pretty small in download size) and everything else is CSS. I love CSS. Have I mentioned that?

Kristine HenryKristine Henry

Kristine is a freelance writer and copy editor. She needed just a little place to put some writing samples and her resume. After a few revisions, this is what we came up with. There are more graphics than I usually put on a site, but the rest is CSS.

UNH Symphony Orchestra

UNH Symphony OrchestraIn addition to playing the violin in the University of New Hampshire Symphony Orchestra, I also volunteer my services for its web page. I've been in the Orchestra since 1991, though I did miss the 2000-2001 season due to the sleeping baby's insistance that I be at home with him! I recently redid this page, as the old look was getting pretty stale. Free or not, I prefer my pages to look their best.

Quinn Arts and Sciences

Quinn Arts and belongs to a local musician, who performs a version of "The Seven Valleys," a text by the founder of Ba'hai; and also does "sonification research," in which he takes data from research projects and turns it into music. We are constantly updating his site with further information about performances, and it contains the full text of "The Seven Valleys," complete with illustrations from the show. The sonification research side of it is also rather fascinating. I enjoyed building this site, with its two seemingly disparate halves; it was a unique challenge to design a look that would work for both.

The Murphy WeddingThe Wedding of Robyn and Brian Murphy

My little sister got married in a beautiful ceremony on June 20, 1999. In lieu of the traditional "paper" gift on their first anniversary, I built them a website so they could show off the many pictures that were taken. It had been hosted on a free service, but the service bit the dust, so now it's here. (I have since grown less fond of the sidebar style of design, but it seems to work well with this page.)

My home pageMy Personal Page

And, of course, there is my own page. I have been most frequently updating the "Baby" section, as one might guess, though I also provide some free craft instructions for various baby-related items. I've been working on my page, in many incarnations and on many hosts, since 1996. It started as a place to put the links I looked at frequently, and grew as I learned more about the web and web design. Aside from the ESPG page, it is definitely the largest site I am responsible for!

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