why choose sleeping baby productions?
In no particular order...
I care about the web-browsing customer!
- I do most of my shopping and research on the web myself, and feel that I know what other web-savvy folk are looking for.
- Being a past modem user, I know how long a bad page can take to download,
so I make sure all the graphics and HTML in my pages are as small and quick-loading
as possible.
I stay on top of web design developments.
- For example, I use cascading style sheets (CSS) in most of my pages. This makes for a faster-loading and easier-to-maintain page, as well as ensuring that all pages in a site have a uniform look -- an important feature in today's chaotic virtual world.
I have a commitment to making pages fully accessible.
Alt tags, simple formatting, and sensible design go a long way towards allowing all of your visitors the best browsing experience... whether they have 20/20 vision, are sight- or hearing-impaired, or need to use the keyboard instead of the mouse to navigate.
- My pages can be tailored to easily accommodate your visitors' needs using different style sheets... which also allow the visitor to choose the text size with which s/he is most comfortable.
I will take the time to make sure your page is exactly what you were hoping for!
- It's never fun to pay a whole lot of money for something, and then find out it wasn't really what you wanted. I'll be here to make sure that if something goes wrong, I can make it right again.