Current turnaround time: 1-2 business days
New! $5 flat rate shipping for US orders under $50; still free over $50!
What are loyalty points?
My cart now allows you to accumulate loyalty points when you're logged into your account. Each time you place an order, you earn 5% on the dollar value of your purchase (not including shipping). So if you buy a linen sling for $50, your 50 loyalty points are good for a $2.50 discount the next time you order. If you haven't made an account (and unfortunately, it's not automatic -- you have to create one separately from filling in the information at checkout; perhaps the cart designers will change that with the next update), you can create one and email me to let me know you've done so, and I will retroactively attach any credits you've earned in previous orders. (Please use the same email address for the account that you've used for your previous orders -- that's how the cart links the orders to the account.) You can either use your points each time you order, or save them up and use them all at once; it's up to you. I'm afraid I can't give refunds on current orders based on retroactively-attached credits.