past productions: businesses and non-profit organizations
Please note: a number of these sites are no longer being maintained; in
some cases, the sites have been taken over by the customer themselves or a new
designer. The screenshots show my work.
Hampshire Midwives Association
My midwife, Cilia Bannenberg, is a member of the New
Hampshire Midwives Association,
and provided my information to the organization. I was happy that they chose
me to redo their website, as I enjoy working with non-profits. Like the sites
below, the site is primarily controlled by stylesheets for a clean, crisp, yet
friendly look. |
Metropolitan Planning Organization
This and the following site were both done together, which is why they share
the same basic look (tabbed links at the top). Stylesheets, stylesheets, stylesheets
:) Everything from the table structure to the backgrounds is controlled by stylesheets. |
Regional Planning Commission
As above.
(SRPC has since moved to a new designer.) |
The COAST Bus Service is
a local non-profit group, providing public transportation for the Seacoast region.
I initially approached them in the summer of 2001 about possibly redoing their
page, and they agreed.
Body Care Products
J.R. LIGGETT offers
innovative products, based on old-fashioned recipes. I first heard about him
and his company on the NHPR program "The Front Porch," and contacted
him after visiting his old website, which needed help. Since then, I have helped
him to add a shopping cart to the site, a new wholesale area, and a complete
redesign of the site's look. Because it is already an image-heavy site, I used
CSS to format most of the text and tables, and the top navigational bars are
all based on a single JavaScript, which cuts the load time significantly. In
the near future, we will be adding an interactive store locator, media reviews
of J.R.LIGGETT products, and new photographs.
Rudolf, MD
Sylvie was referred to me by J.R.Liggett (below). She needed a purely informational
site, something to show people in her area what she does and give her a web presence.
Believe it or not, the only graphics used in the site are a photo of Sylvie,
and the "Sylvie Rudolf, MD" text at the top of the page. Everything else is controlled
by stylesheets.
(Sylvie's website is no longer active.) |
Quanta Knowldge
Knowledge offers technology sales employee training to corporations
around the globe. Their website is primarily informational, and makes
use of the newest design tools, including a JavaScript menu bar in customized
colors... at no extra cost to Quanta. Each subsection has its own illustrative
photo and motto, while maintaining the navigational header. I chose a
width of 800 pixels, as the clientelle will be primarily businesses, which
generally use a monitor of larger resolution.
“I’ve used Sleeping Baby Productions to design
two web sites for my company and I couldn’t be more pleased. The
quality is excellent, they answer all my questions promptly and the sites
are exactly what I wanted. I’ve recommended Sleeping Baby to several
colleagues and if they’re smart they’ll take my advice!”
Beth Yeaton, President, Quanta Knowledge LLC
(Quanta Knowledge is no longer in business.) |
C & J Trailways
Trailways is a local bus service with lines to and from Boston, MA.
The site went through a long-deserved overhaul on April 23rd -- it's more graphics-heavy,
but is also brighter and fresher, and no longer relies on frames. Most of it
is -- yes, you guessed it -- style-sheet based, with a couple of simple javascripts
thrown in. I'm quite happy with it!
Note: As of May 2004, I am no longer responsible for the daily site maintenance
on C&J Trailways, and they have moved to a new design firm to help them with
their online ticketing venture. |
Coming next: Your site?